Innovation is a Multi-Platform Solution
Serving today's Web 3.0 innovation digital marketplace requires more than one platform. The solution requires a single member interface (UX) to multiple private Match communities that Power multiple public Venues - each tailored to a specific vertical industry or need. We call this Market Segmentation.
Using Match, instead of Advertising and Segmented Communities provides the new Web 3.0 model we call PRECISION TARGETING.

The goal of Brite Idea Lab is to improve today’s traditional SEARCH and Advertising model using MATCH technology providing ALL members with their own "match credentials," plus control over their Search/Match candidates displayed in back office. Their Member dashboard also enables them to manage and easily disseminate matches to one or multiple colleagues.
The third generation (3.0) of the Match-As-A-Service Platform (MAAS) is branded (white-labeled) with Match Algorithms tailored for each vertical market. This customization tailor the member profiles and sub-profiles – match criteria, data fields and site branding.
Optional Match features and APPs facilitate Crowd Cheering with five (5) star-ratings and comments, Follows for automatic updates, Storefronts for direct product sell-through, plus the ability to MATCH across multiple Match ecosystem communities
Entrepreneur Match Platform
BRITE IDEA LAB: An open 360 portal to "connect" the entrepreneur ecosystem to Corporate America and the world.
An open public-facing Match Network platform connecting entrepreneurs to other entrepreneurs, corporations, organizations and service providers.
Members create profiles stating their Match needs, wants and/or haves to be machine-matched (AI) to others with the same criteria.
Members can create unique match criteria for multiple ideas, track followers and display crowd cheering results. Dashboards deliver automatic machine matches, member-to-member submissions and follow grants enabling members to file and disseminate matches to colleagues.
Brite Idea Lab is the digital infrastructure connecting local and global entrepreneur ecosystems based on matching NEEDS. (learn more)
Corporate Match Platforms
Maintaining the Flow of Ideas in Corporate Innovation
Our strategic Partner for Corporate Innovation is Corporate Foundry. Corporate Foundry provides internal innovation platform (i-Lab) and programs to foster the capture and flow of Innovation IDEAS within a corporation. Brite Idea Labs provide the capture of Ideas from the Open 360 world of Entrepreneurial Innovation. Together they address and sustain the flow of Ideas required to maintain a vigorous flow of new Ideas as input to a corporate innovation program.
i-LAB: Providing Corporations with internal Innovation Pipeline Management
A white-label internal innovation platform to manage a corporation’s flow of innovation ideas from the trenches (employees, suppliers & affiliates) to innovation authorities (IA’s) who incubate and disseminate ideas to R&D, M&A, Biz Dev, Innovation Master Mind Groups, plus external Innovation labs and foundry/s.
i-Lab is the CINO’s infrastructure innovation management platform. i-Lab and 21st Century Innovation products and services stimulate the flow of ideas, captures internal critiques, rewards employees, plus track dissemination of each idea submitted. (learn more)
i-Innovate: Connecting the Innovation market experts, product and service providers to corporations
i-Innovate enables corporations to “connect” with organizations, industry experts, consultants, product and service providers in the corporate C-Suite innovation space. Members add their Match Criteria based on “needs, wants, interests, or products/services” they want to sell or promote in the Innovation space.
Machine matches and member submissions are automatically provided to members through their Innovation Match Market back-office dashboard. Members can file matches and/or disseminate Machine Matches and submissions to other members.
enables i-Lab members to have profiles on Brite Idea Lab and/or IMM to create colleagues and disseminate Matches and submissions to members on linked platforms. Standard API’s are used to facilitate common sign-on for all match portals, as well as eliminate redundant data entry. (learn more)
LAB RAT APP: Crowd-Cheering Mobile Voting APP for Brite Idea Lab, i-Lab, and IMM platforms.
The Lab Rat Mobile APP provides an Android and Apple mobile interface enabling users to Vote (1 to 5 Stars) and Comment on Sub-Profile Ideas or Small BIZ ventures.
Votes are tallied and Comments are posted on the Sub Profile giving the profile owner the options to display, not display or reset the results.
The Crowd-Cheering feature provides each Sub-Profile Idea with a unique ID that can be used in presentations, displayed on digital collateral, or promoted on social media. Digital ID’s are used to facilitate text voting.
MEMBER MATCH: Providing large Member and consumer databases with extended Member-to-Member collaboration and Match features.
A branded front-end Match platform for major member organizations, or multiple organizations/venues, who want to expand their member-to-member innovation and collaboration.
New and existing members “Opt-In” to the organizations Member Match Market to add their Match Criteria based on their “needs, wants, interests, or products/services” they want to promote.
Machine-Matches (AI) and member-to-member submissions are automatically provided to members through their Member Match back office dashboard. Members can file matches and disseminate matches to other members. Member Match dramatically maximizes member-to-member collaboration and promotion benefiting the parent member value proposition. Their Match Conciegre will automatically deliver the latest Matches everytime they open their Member Match Portal.
Innovation Match Market serves as a dynamic digital front-end market for corporate consumer, organization and charity member databases. Member Match is the next generation of customer and member value-add and retention. (learn more)
Contact Us to discuss Corporate Innovation
Partner Match Networks
Veterans Match Market i-Serve connects the Veteran Ecosystem - active duty, retired and veterans from all branches
The goal of the Veterans Match portal is to 'connect" veterans based on their "needs." (Video)
The three Veteran profiles consist of Individuals (veterans all branches), Corporations/Organizations/Government, plus product and service providers. Veteran sub-profiles are used to profile veteran service units, and well as their employment, business ventures, issues, entrepreneurial ideas or projects. For each sub-profile, they define their "Needs" or "Wants," to include job requests and even job openings.
The i-Serve goal is to MATCH each of the diverse Veteran Match Criteria with other Veteran's Match Criteria - to include government resources, or commercial entities actively serving veterans. Each Veteran Match Concierge enables them to tailor their Match Criteria and who they want to Match. (i.e. just veterans... or government... or commercial resources). The Veteran Match portal is designed to be an on-ramp to the thousands of communities and organizations that serve veterans It is a veteran's digital identity to "find and be found."
For more Information on joining the i-Serve team (contact us)
Entertainment Match Market i-Create is the Match Portal for creatives in the Entertainment arena
The entertainment industry is best defined as big job-shop market. That is, for every production, the jobs, talent and skills are sourced to meet the project schedule. Creatives have multiple online venues from which to craft and showcase their trade. What is missing is a "connector" in the middle that matches resource requirements with available resources spread across multiple digital venues.
i-Create is a Match portal that "connects" the Entertainment Industry based on their "haves" and "needs." Creatives create their Profile and a sub-profile for each of their projects, talent or business. Their profile and each sub-profile have photos, videos, contacts and Match Criteria. Productions and projects also create a profile defining their needs. Vendors who have and want to Sell related products and services also have a profile, match criteria and a storefront featuring 4 products.
The role of i-Create is to serve as the digital Match Market to connect-the-dots based on the participants specified Match Criteria. Members on all three sides actively control their Match criteria, initiate Follows, store candidates in their back office and disseminate "finds" to other colleagues. i-CREATE is a Match Network designed to be the on-ramp for the digital entertainment community It is their Portal to "find and be found."
For More Information on connecting the World of Entertainment JOIN the i-Create team (contact us)
Sports Player Portal i-Play is for Youth recreational and eSports Players.
The pro-sports digital market is well served. The youth to amateur digital market is underserved. i-Play addresses the youth to amateur sports market by providing players of all ages to create their own digital "Hall of Fame." Yes, a chronical of their own sports teams for not only their own prosperity but for connecting with other teams in the recreation to the school level. Scouts, coaches, and team managers are always looking for talent and staff. Youth sports beginning at age 5 is huge and beyond well organized.
Sports Registry is a Match Portal that serves ALL players by enabling them to chronical their sports accomplishments to connect with other team members, coaches, and scouts as they transition to the "next" level. Player profiles identify the Player. Sub-Profiles identify each sport to include photos and video. If the sport is currently being played - any need is identified in the Match Criteria. Leagues and sports organizations profile to showcase their role, contacts, as well as complete their Match Criteria to address their Needs. Sellers of sports products and services create their profile, contacts, and Storefront to showcase their products and services for sale. One example is baseball cards for youth players.
The Sports Registry goal is to be a digital Match Market "connecting point" for youth and amateur sports. The Match Concierge features enables players and teams to tailor their Match Criteria to meet their current seasonal needs. The Sports Registry Match Network is designed to be an "on-ramp" for the digital Sports community It is Sports Portal to "find and be found."
For More Information on joining the i-Play team (contact us)
Metaverse Match Market Crypto Crowd connects the Crypto Ecosystem
Crypto Crowd serves as the MATCH portal for the Crypto Currency Ecosystem - to include NFTs and FTs. The mission is to collaboratively connect buyer and Seller with the emerging market resources in the Crypto Ecosystem.
The exclusive feature of Crypto-Crowd, besides Match with Precision Targeting, is Portfolio Management for Tokens owned and potential ownership. Along with Ownership KYC credentials, back office dashboard filing, follows, likes, rating, comments and sharing with colleagues provides true collaboration and social media connections.
Key Powered-by Venues include multiple NFT Specialty Marketplaces enabling members to Search and Find NFT’s and consummate purchase over the Blockchain at the NFT Minted Exchange.
For more information on the Metaverse Crypto Crowd (contact us)
WORLD TRADE NETWORK i-Trade for International Trading
World Trade is all about Trading goods with International partners. This is classic matching the "Haves" with the "Wants and Needs" globally. i-Trade provides a global network designed to create an international digital Match Platform for trading.
All traders create an Individual profile to frame their business, their contacts and define their trade "Needs" or "Haves." Sub-Profiles capture this for various products, product lines each with their own descriptive profile, eBIZ contacts, and Match Criteria. World Trade Organizations also participate by creating their profile, contacts and Match Criteria. The third profile category is sellers who want to showcase and sell products and services to the world trade industry. Their profile authenticates their company, defines their contacts and their Match Criteria defines the ideal specifications of the customer they want to TARGET.
The i-Trade goal is to MATCH the Match Criteria as defined by each member. Members have the controls to toggle in and out various their Match candidates and even weight which match criteria is of most importance. Their member back office enables them to create prospect lists, store colleagues and disseminate "finds" to them. The i-Trade Match Network is designed to be an "on-ramp" for the global World Trade community It is a Global Portal to "find and be found."
For More Information on joining the i-Trade team (contact us)
THE AISLES The B2B Match Market i-Buyer is the Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry, Gifts and Footwear wholesale trade Market.
The Aisles Match portal "connects" the B2B apparel wholesale trade show and regional markets based on each member specifying their "NEEDS." Retail Store owners, merchants and big-box retailers go to regional Marts and multiple national trade shows in NY and Las Vegas. The physical wholesale market and apparel-related products change each season. Buyers walk the Aisles to find immediate product needs or products for the next season. Manufacturers, showrooms and manufacturing representatives set up booths to show their lines and hope to meet-up with existing customers and meet new ones. Four to six times year the market is all about matching the buyer and seller.
In the Aisles Match Market, individual profiles serve the match needs of Buyers and their employer. Sub-profiles enable them to profile their match criteria for multiple collections (immediate, a future season) and multiple product lines. Showroom sub-profiles image multiple vendors carried each season. Vendor profiles showcase the manufacturer lines and provide them with a storefront to showcase up to four collections. Sellers of Products and services also have a storefront to showcase and sell up to four products.
The Aisles Match Market goal is to digitally "connect" buyers and apparel related suppliers in as constantly changing, season-by-season trade show environment. The Aisles Match Concierge enables members to tailor their Match Criteria to other retail merchants, trade shows, showrooms or target vendors or service providers. The Aisles Match Network is designed to be an "on-ramp" for the digital apparel community It is their portal to "find and be found."
For More Information on joining the AISLES team (contact us)
CUSTOM PLATFORM INSTALLATION: Providing technical services to tailor, design, install and maintain Match Market white label platforms
Corporate Foundry provides a turn-key technology solution to maintain the flow of ideas within a corporation. The digital strategy starts with an internal website to showcase the Innovation Program and its active participants, winners, plus the innovation management team. The second technology component is the i-LAB platform tailored to manage the flow of ideas within the corporation and optionally - its affiliates. The goal is to define the digital infrastructure that not only showcases the program success but also provides statistical data on the program success. Brite Idea Lab provides the flow of Ideas from the Open 360 universe and also seamlessly integrated into the internal i-LAB platform. (more)
CAMPAIGN DESIGN: Providing Corporations with internal Innovation CAMPAIGNS and innovation programs
Corporate Innovation is based on the flow of ideas generated by the people in the trenches. They are the ones that see flaws in the internal manufacture process or supply chain. Field Sales and support personnel on the front lines are the first to see competitive product advantages and also windows of opportunity to capture new markets. Key is providing an infrastructure to foster their submissions and second, reward them for their contribution.
Corporate Foundry works with corporate resources to craft Campaigns, engage employees and also to foster a Culture of Innovation. This is not a one and done. Campaigns must be sustained to keep the flow of ideas coming.
Finally, corporate employee contribution comes in two forms. They are contributors - who generate ideas and evaluators - who evaluate and assess the merits of others who submit. Both are valuable and captured in the i-LAB Crowd-Cheering APP. (more)
INNOVATION TRAINING: Innovation Training for executives to employee Innovation Academy's - changing the corporate culture.
An essential component of Corporate Innovation is training beginning with the C-Suite executives, Innovation Authority (IA) training and Innovation Academies to address changing the corporate culture.
Conducting and sustaining a successful Corporate Innovation Program requires a commitment from the top down. Corporate Foundry program like Celebrity Shark Attack drives the innovation message beginning with the C-Suite and extending to division and department heads.
Innovation Authority (IA) Traning insures the first point of employee IDEA engagement is trained across the corporation to receive, curate and disseminate employee ideas. IA's are profiled on i-Lab and manage their area of responsibility. They disseminate Ideas to other IA's and also downstream when worthy. IA's are absolutely KEY in sustaining a corporate Innovation Program and to create a culture on Innovation.
The final Training component is creating a successful innovation program is training the employees. Corporate Foundry Innovation Academy train employees how to engage in the Corporate Innovation Campaigns, but also how to think like an entreprenur. Innovation Academy's teach employees to embrace Innovation and to be pro-active in modernizing every component of their corporate life. (more)
EVENTS & AWARDS: Recognizing the Participants in contributing to the Corporate Innovation landscape
Rewarding employees for their contributions with ideas, or critical assessments, is an essential component to sustain a corporate innovation program.
Corporate Foundry also provides an internal Award Platform to showcase a companies "best" suggestions and also enable company designated judges to select the winners. Nominees and posting are managed by Innovation Authories profiled on i-Lab and charged with capturing, mentoring and curating ideas prior to dissemination to other corporate departments like R&D, Biz Dev., M&A, Innovation Master Mind Groups, Six Sigma or external Innovation Centers.
Major corporations have an employee incentive budget and the goal is to integrate that program into the Corporate Innovation Strategy. (more)
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